About us

Pin Pin Bungee started out as a hobby of mine aside from my studies but grew out into something very special to me! It's a stan's shop made with love fot other stans. I try to contribute to the fandom with my cute fanmade goodies ranging from pins to bags! The name is a play on the lyrics from BTS's Mic Drop that goes: "mic mic bungee", I started out making only enamel pins and I thought it was fun hahah
✿ Brie ✿
My name is Brigitte but people call me Brie (I also prefer it that way) and I am a Dutch, 21 years old female who loves designing and drawing. I started designing kpop inspired goods when I was 18 years old and practised hard to improve my skills over time :)) I used to only focus on drawing interior sketches as interior design was my study and other great interest since childhood, but I never got around drawing actual people. When yours truly fell into the kpop hole in begin 2017 (pulled in by BTS) I started drawing humans again after yeeeaaaars so my drawings were... questionable. But I worked hard, never gave up and now I call myself an artist! I am really grateful to where I am now and I promise I still have alot in store for the future <3
♡ Monty ♡

I have a little weenie dog named Monty (after Monty Python movies, specifically Monty Python And The Holy Grail cause that movie is just the best). He often appears in my Instagram stories and he is my entire world <3 Some followers even watched him grow up since we got him in autumn 2020 as a pup! Because Monty is like my mascot, partner in crime, and model for my business cards, I couldn't leave him unmentioned!
I really like being familiar with my followers/customers/kpop fam so I thought this page could be a nice addition to my shop <3 I wish you a lovely day and hope you'll stick around!